ICCRA Member Profile: James McKenzie (Three Eagles) Photo by Jim Wenzel

Education: Southern State Community College

Other Affiliations:
- Member of the Serpent Mound Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers
- Member of Friends of Serpent Mound, a volunteer group in Peebles, Ohio.
- Registered Volunteer & Member with the Ohio Historical Society
- Member of several different Native American organizations

James McKenzie, of Cherokee and Irish descent, recieved an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force, is a former Special Deputy of the Adams County Sheriff's Department, a former officer in the Peebles, Ohio Police Department, and has worked for the United States Forest Service stationed in Idaho at the Sawtooth National Forest in 1976, where he investigated a cattle mutilation.

"I have dowsed crop circles for water domes and energy lines, searched crop circles for metal objects with metal detectors, and as an ex-police officer inevestigated crop circles for foot-prints and other incriminating evidence.

I have done investigative dowsing, aura dowsing, and some psychometry dowsing. I dowse and block negative energy lines on people's homes, and have cut away negative energy attachments to people's bodies."



You can reach Jim by email or call 937-587-3953.


Page last updated on May 16, 2017

© 2017 ICCRA - Jeffrey & Delsey Wilson.